Wednesday, May 15, 2013

"Student of the Month Interview."

1.How do you feel about been the student of the month?
I feel good about being student of the month.

2.Are you happy you are the student of the month?
Yes I'm happy about being student of the month.

3.What did you do to become the student of the month?
I worked really hard in all of my classes.

4.Did you wanted to be the student of the month?
Sure it  didn't really matter to me.

5.Have you been the student of the month more than one time?
No, I have never been student of the month.

6.Would you suggest to someone to be the student of the month?
Yes, it feels very accomplishing.

7.Now that you became the student of the month what would you want to do next?
Try even harder to become student of the month again.

8.What does the student of the month mean to you?
It means everything to me.

9.Do you want to be chose for something else than the student of the month?
Sure, It doesn't really matter.

10.Whats your favorite core class?
Algebra 1.

11.Do you have any talents?
Yes, I dance. I'm a diamond dazzler for next year.

12.Do you play any sports?
No,but I consider dance a sport.

13.What kinda person do you think you are?
I'm always happy and try to think positive about everything  and very open minded about things.

14.Do you think that the student of the month should have more time than a month?
No,I think a month is awesome.

15.Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Yes, I have a little brother.

16.Whats your music type?
Alternative,dubstep mainly.

17.Would you like to be the student of the month again?
Yes, It was a good experiment.

18.What do you want to do when you grow up?
 I don't really know yet.

19. How do you want to think of you?
Good, proud of myself.

20.How did people react when they knew you were the student of the month?
They were proud of me and happy of me.

Monday, April 29, 2013

newspaper notes.

 broadsheets should have 3 or more stories
tomboy will have 2 or less stories
newsmagazine has news on it
newsmagazine no stories on the front
 newsmagazine will have a wossie cover

4 stories
little drawings

the tittle of the news paper _flag
better had stories
the name of the high school
headlines/sub lines
a captions_-there is always a head line part to is the two sentence caption ,photo credit
a line to divide the stories
folio:the name of school,the city,the website,and the motion,the school address,they volume and their issue number
june the store will start at the cover then it jumps to another page.
screen-is a box with color in it. less than 25%.the screen color will come from the picture.
have to have a table of contents
info graphic -gives you information about graphic  might be a pie chart,a graph,a t chart might be a good info graphic
the mast head
the mast head- the advisors,editor policy,the staff box

Monday, April 15, 2013

SLO practice

who-marley the campion dog
what-hes drooling
when - sunday afternoon-yesturday april 14
where-austin adoptive shelter
why -he was found on the road and needs to be adoptive
how -call the austin animal shelter,or check their web site

head line: lost and dog found and became a winer

caption:Marley the dog was found on the road on austin texas and was taken to the austin adoptive shelter.Marley was adopted by this small family that found his picture on austin adoptive web site and won on the cutes dog show on april 14th.

The 7News values in the news

Timeliness: A pedestrian was stuck on train tracks on South Austin Texas and was killed by a train on a wednesday night April 10th.

Person killed by train in South Austin

proximity: UT University of Texas campus was treat with a bomb on a wednesday morning by an unknown person, but the campus people didn't believe the bomb treat the keep up with their activities but the UT campus are been swept to make sure it there is no bomb.

Anonymous bomb threat at UT under investigation




human interest :


lenses and photography vocabulary

I would use a telephoto lens to a football game night.

I would use a prime lens to soccer game.

I would use a wide-angle lens to an acuarium fill trip.

Depth of Field-The distance between the nearest and the furthest objects that give an image judged to be in focus in a camera.

Light- the light that there is in the photo.

Shadows-Used to focus on a viewer's attention.

Diffusion light -comes from a relatively large light source.

Exposure-The amount of light let get into your picture.

Aperture (f-stop)-A hole within the lens that lets the amount of light to come brought the lens of the camera 

Shutter speed-The amount of time of time the shutter is open.

ISO-Is the sensible to light that is available to your camera.


Friday, February 1, 2013

favorite magazine cover

Favorite portrait and self portrait



Magazine tips

1) make your magazine cover neat and nice so people can see the picture clearly
2) in the cover put a picture that stands out and makes it look interesting to read and know about
3)make it worth time to read and spend money on it
4)don't take off the important stuff about the story or the picture
5)make something easy to make and print

photoshop notes

Nestle-tools are stacked on each other –to access those tools you have to left click and hold .
Use command keys
Command + =zoom in
Command - =zoom out
Command o =open
Command c =copy
Command v =paste
****Command z =step back
to turn an image go to .image>imagine rotation.
Cw and ccw
Cw =clockwise
Ccw= counter clockwise
180=1/2 rotation

>imagen >adjustments>levels
chanel blue
chanel green
chanel red
moved just the black and white hershey kiss
chanel rgb-moove the brown hershey kiss (adjust little bright ness or darkness)

save as 

green ,triangle ,backpack and black and white photo


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Choice Sheets

well first is hard for me to chose a publication for next year and i still want to thane photojournalism stuff  i really like to take pictures of awesome,beautiful things i was tinkling if to be on yearbook or commercial photography for me is hard because of yearbook i like to make something someone can buy or see for memories of they past and remember in the future about them selfs and friends .. and commercial photography i like the idea because i get to go out of campus and take pictures like events and when i was little i want to be a photographer and i still do because i want to become one of those photographers that go to some places around the world and take pictures of the beautiful place and not just take pictures of the places if not want to become one of those photographers who take pictures of bands famous people people who other people look up to i want to become of one of those people because its just my dream i might not to take pictures of me but i like to take pictures of stuff who are beautiful,or something amazing that anybody can imagen

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

caption # 1

who-president barack obama and his wife michelle obama
what- hugging each other, embracing,thighs hug close to each other 
where-airport,washington dc kennedy international airport,on the 
when-monday November 17th at 11 a.m 
why-they had been separated for 3 weeks while obama was on the campaing trail trying to get reelected as president of the United States.
How- President Obama tripped and fell on his way into the terminal and hit his head hard enough that the medical team nearby has to come out to help

background -president obama tripped on the ground and bunked his head and the medical condition help him recover 

sentence #1 president barack obama hugs embraces his wife michele at the  international after returning home form a trip from ohio where he was stumping  for relation on tuesday afternoon

 sentence #2 the president while on his way to terminal he trip and fell and needing medical recovery for his left check 

caption head tripping his way to predesinting 

caption #2 
what-was singing a song in his concert 
where-in la california concert stadium 
when- monday june 1st at 7pm.
why-he was doing his first concert after he became famous by his song gangman style
background-Psy jumped of his little stadium while singing and miss and fell on the ground ended breaking his left arm and legend ending join to the hospital for recober 

sentence #1 psy was singing gangnam style in one of his first concerts in LA California in front of millions of fans. 

sentence #2 the famous singer psy while trying to jump off his little stadium fell of and broke his left arm and leg ending to going to the hospital.

caption head- the big psy fell

who- jessica Lopez and her friend jose Ruiz 
what- were swiming in  front of a plaza building 
where in front of  the plaza building 
when -sunday may 15th 5 pm.
why-they were having fun 

background -a few minutes other people join in and swim with them 

sentence #1 jessica and jose swim in front of the plaza just for fun

sentence #2 while jessica and jose had fun other people join in with them and have a fun day.

caption head -fun day in the plaza 

Depth of Field (shallow and wide)
Light (angle and intensity)
Shadows sometimes shadows are pictures to is the abenst of light  
Diffusion is sorting the light sorting changing the diffusion of the light 
Exposure to light to dark or perfect how perfect the picture looks for ur eye 
Aperture (f-stop)-is about the lance and  how big the opening is big or small
Shutter speed-how fast the camera opens and lets ligt enter to the censer 
ISO-is how sensitive the censer is to light and u have complete control  
 intensity- how bright the light is . like a grain of sand 

three types of lenses 
telephoto- zoom in and get closer 
prime- no zooming in or back 
wide angle- to encompez more

human interest
prominence important person of a theme 
impact something not expected
novelty something funny 

shallow equalls  big opening

Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome back!!

 THREE (3) Favorites and tell me why it was your favorite photo of the year. 
This was one of my because of how the photographer took the picture where you mostly can see everything not just a little pice of the field of the flowers in the ocean you have a great view.

I like this picture because of the stitches in the eye and its just not a far picture the photographer zoom in close to the eyes to see or have a great view of the stitches.

I like this picture because well you have solar eclipce  and u can see its brightness and u have a perfect view that mostly people can't see how the solar eclipse look out in the space. 

best song of 2012

Skrillex feat. Sirah, 'Bangarang'

I chose skrillex 'bangarang' as one of the best songs of 2012 because it sounds good nice sound and because is one of my top 10 favorite bands and because every other song or singer like justin beaber sings bad music that i don't like some people like it but not me . 

2. What was the best movie of 2012?

i chose ted as one of best movies in 2012 because it was a funny comedian movie and because it was by producers of family guy and because well people say that some movies give u a meaning and they say ted was a meaning of friendship .

3. What was the most important news story of the year?
i chose gay marriage as one of the most important news story in 2012 because i think people should do what they want to .
 Who was the most important person of 2012?

i chosen obama as most important person in 2012 because he gave a change to those kids who don't have papers for living in united states and call it "the dream act" and its good because it helps  immigrants have another change to live in here and not to be scared to get reported out of united states.

my holiday

1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? on my holiday it was good i didn't do nothing big go somewhere far  but the coolest thing is that i got vans warped tour tickets to see my favorite bans i like and i get to meet and great with them and spend time at they tour bus and ect vans  warped tour is like a concert but all hevy music  screamo death metal and other bands like rock stuff no pop and all rap just rock music  get together and sing party with fans and all fun stuff

2. What are your resolutions for the 2013 year? my resolution for 2013 that i made is kinda personal and my other one is to be less sencible

3. What are you looking forward to i look forward to have fun at the concerts i get to go and that i do better at school ,and that i can make my resolutions to happen i just don't want to left and make me feel worthless and no been strong ,and other thing i look forward to is that i can change some stuff about me .