Friday, February 1, 2013

favorite magazine cover

Favorite portrait and self portrait



Magazine tips

1) make your magazine cover neat and nice so people can see the picture clearly
2) in the cover put a picture that stands out and makes it look interesting to read and know about
3)make it worth time to read and spend money on it
4)don't take off the important stuff about the story or the picture
5)make something easy to make and print

photoshop notes

Nestle-tools are stacked on each other –to access those tools you have to left click and hold .
Use command keys
Command + =zoom in
Command - =zoom out
Command o =open
Command c =copy
Command v =paste
****Command z =step back
to turn an image go to .image>imagine rotation.
Cw and ccw
Cw =clockwise
Ccw= counter clockwise
180=1/2 rotation

>imagen >adjustments>levels
chanel blue
chanel green
chanel red
moved just the black and white hershey kiss
chanel rgb-moove the brown hershey kiss (adjust little bright ness or darkness)

save as 

green ,triangle ,backpack and black and white photo