Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Self Portrait and Portraits

best 2 or 3 tips 

- Think about your motivation and emotions: Blankly staring at the camera rarely gets good results. Be silly, don’t be afraid to over-act. The worst that can happen is that you fill up your memory card with useless photos; but you might also find yourself with a proper gold-nugget of a self portrait.

- Use a mirror! It seems so obvious, but how to use mirrors is important, too – take it down from the wall, and experiment! 

-Wherever you are with your camera, always be on the lookout for those moments when a person's character shines though. If you have a formal portrait session with someone, make some frames of him while he straightens his tie or while she brushes her hair before the formal sitting. Walk back to the car with her and shoot her on the street. If you are on a spring picnic with the family, look for that moment of bliss when your wife leans back, sated, to enjoy the caress of the warm sun. If you're on the street, look for the impatient expression on a pedestrian's face as he waits for the light to change. Always be on the lookout for the telling moment. Every person has a story, and every picture should tell part of that story.

-If you set up the shot and you decide on the lighting and camera position and what you are doing, but get someone else to push the shutter, it’s still a self portrait (the other person is basically acting as your remote control) – so don’t be shy about asking for some help with your self-portraits

Environmental portrait

I liked this picture because,you have the view of them walking on some mountains and its good because you have a good view of them and if you see in the back you have a perfect view of the mountains in the very back 

I like this picture because, in here you have a perfect view,you can see how they took this picture where you can see the guitar and the guy resting in the guitar and is a clearly view.

photography self portrait

i liked this picture because ,you can see the light shine on her and i like how she has her eyes pop out with the shadow or make up she has on her eyes 
this picture i liked it you can see a close view of him and his tatoos and i don't know but i assume its a self portrait well i think and it does it not have to be he took the picture of him by him self like one of the tips i have 'get someone else to push the shutter, it’s still a self portrait (the other person is basically acting as your remote control) '

casual portrait
I liked this picture because you have a close view of the girl and its good because how you can see one side is bright and then it fades .

I liked this picture because in the picture the guy sitting and by seeing this picture you might think or know they might be a stoory of the guy by what he is Surrender example the drawings in the wall and where the boy is siting down

r plan for your portrait assignment.

In this project i have an idea of hows to take my pictures and where I'm taking .Them example i would take pictures of some of my friends from my church youth group,I will take my pictures outside in the garden we have and some inside the house that our church owns, and yeah and if I want to have a successful shot I will have to look where theres a good spot there is and to make sure I'm using the rules of photography like Rule of thirds,Leading lines,View point,Framing,and Cropping

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